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New Year, New Max & Fluffy?!

Writer's picture: CompanionCompanion

MANY OF US HAVE RESOLUTIONS for the New Year; exercise more, eat healthy, organize, etc. but you can also incorporate your pets into your plans! See below for some great ideas to add enrichment to your pets lives, and make them happier and healthier in the New Year.

We always think cats kind of do their own thing, right? But adding enrichment for indoor cats is crucial to their wellbeing. Here are some ideas to help Fluffy be a happy(er) cat.

Add (or replace old!) scratching posts and or cardboard scratchers to areas where they hang out, and in multiple areas if you have multiple cats.

Add a cool, new and very tall cat tree to a corner, or a window seat to a window, so your cats can watch birds and squirrels, preferably from a high perch! Cats feel safe up high, and it gives them the best vantage point for "hunting" their prey.

Replace old toys with new ones, and swap out toys every few weeks. Everything old is new again, and your cat will be stimulated mentally and physically with his "new" toys.

Interact with your cat! Get a wand and play. Most cats love wands, and chasing that bird on the end that's flying all over the house is the best thing ever. Engaging your cat in play is great for exercise, mental stimulation, and using natural hunting instincts. Start by moving the wand around in a crazy way so your cat watches it and jumps to get it. Take turns alternating letting the "bird" sit still, or very slowly moving across the floor. This is similar to real prey and cats love it! TIP: Give them treats at the end of the play session to mimic a real hunt.

Food puzzles! For cats? Yes! Try a kitty food puzzle and fill it with a meal or some treats. Your cat will have to figure out how to get the reward, and this really helps with kitty boredom and again, mental stimulation - they have to use their brain.

OK, SO WHAT ABOUT DOGS? Many of the same tips can be used for Max the dog as well as Fluffy the cat.

Replacing toys with new ones is always fun and exciting. When Max gets a new toy he goes BONKERS. In fact he is sure every package that comes is for him. New toys can be interactive and allow for playtime and bonding with your dog. You can also find toys for chewing to help with a dogs natural desire to chew. This helps get the "ya-ya's" out, especially if your dog is inside on a rainy day or simply bored.

TIP! Always be sure the toy you choose is safe for chewing! Many dogs should be supervised with chew toys, and should not have them when left alone.

Swapping out your dogs toys every few weeks is also a great way to bring something "new" and exciting into their world. New and recycled toys bring different ways for your dog to play, and provide both mental and physical stimulation. The same toys all the time create boredom.

Of course walking your dog is a great way to get them to go potty, but its also a great way for you both to get in some exercise. Dogs also looove to smell, well, everything. Smelling is a dogs strongest sense, and it is very important that they are able to get out and smell their world. Allow them some freedom during the walk (on a leash, of course) to stop and smell the roses!

Indoor enrichment: We have talked about this before, but it is important to have indoor activities for your dog when you just cant get outside. Maybe an extra long day at work, or its dumping hail outside, these ideas are fun for everyone!

  • Hide and seek - Have your dog stay or wait, hide treats, and send them to find the reward. Encourage them to go to the right places so its fun and they "win"

  • Dog Wands - Cats don't get all the fun. Dog wands are, in fact, a thing! You can easily find them online and most dogs love them and interact to get the toy at the end. A great indoor game for both exercise and mental stimulation. We recommend finding the right wand for your dogs level of play and chewing, so they don't destroy the toy or ingest any parts of the wand or toy.

  • Food Puzzles for Dogs: Puzzles are great for dogs! For boredom, for mental stimulation, for slowing down fast eaters, for training, and for fun! You can find puzzles at Chewy, and local pet stores.

  • Kong's or Stuff-able toys - Kong's are hard rubber toys that can be filled with canned food, peanut butter, or treats. They are great for getting out those "ya-ya's" again, or for a boredom fighter. There are also similar types of balls that they can roll with their paw or nose and treats will fall out. All wonderful for mental stimulation and indoor exercise. TIP: Be sure not to overdo the treats! Kong's can be used for a meal as well, so you aren't increasing your pups food intake by too much!

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Craig Ritchie, DVM

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